Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Mission Accomplished

I finally accomplished the goal of every Mormon girl ever to live in Provo. I got married. Ha but seriously I married the most amazing man in the world. Every girl says that but seriously Greg is the perfect man. We got married August 1st in the Salt Lake City Temple. It was obviously the best day of my life. Love that man!

Monday, February 9, 2009

He's Just Not That Into You

...Worst movie I've seen in a while. I guess I just hated watching how ridiculous people are. I know I know it was supposed to be a comedy but I thought it was all around a pretty stupid slash non-funny flick. My mom thinks I probably psycho analyzed all the characters and that's why I did not like it. Also, that it reminded me of this past year, not that it was a bad was just a year of "learning the hard way". Ya-da-mean? Ugh I got really sick last night, I was carried to Karli's bed...pretty pathetic. Maybe I should just lighten up, and be able to enjoy a film with out having anxiety...ya that sounds like a better idea. The end. XOXO LB

Friday, February 6, 2009


I'm going to be here all summer! I am torn regarding my feelings about that. I am super excited to stay with my fabulous friends! However, I was really looking forward to going home for an extended period of time to be with my CA friends and family. Unfortunately I am trying to grow up and not be too dependent on my parents, so working all summer and supporting myself has to be a better idea than tanning on their roof in for hours out of the day. But I am sure you can guess which one I really want to do. Good thing Utah summers are actually a blast, I will just have to soak up the UV rays and develop melanoma by the pool at CWood instead. At least I can play vball all summer again. I wonder if I will meet another boy on the court and make him my BF after two king of the court games ( I totally just realized that I met both last BFs on that sandy court...oh good times ) alright bring on the summer - minus wedding planning, that is a B of a process. xoxo LB

Mommy Time!

So anyone who knows me is fully aware of my strange relationship with Mi Madre. My father tells me that it is time to cut off the umbilical cord...that's pretty gross, but mildly true. Meh what are you going to do? Anyways, my fabulous mother is coming to Ootah to visit me :) I can't wait! I love love love when my Mom comes to visit! The last two times that poor woman came to visit I introduced her to new boyfriends at an awkward "first meeting the family" dinner. Not that the dinners were ever awkward...but my Mom is a shy person and has to be forced into conversation at times! She has gotten much better at it! Partially cause I am so shameless and obnoxious she is forced to be the same way to keep up with me when we hang out, and yes I said my Mom and I hang out. She is one of my best friends in the whole wide world! I will probably add more to this when I figure out what we are going to do when she gets here...since we wont be spending our time with any new BF...weird. xoxo LB